

Acervus Progress Report #01

This report covers the updates that took place during the last two weeks (2024-02-20 to 2024-03-05).

Illich Acervus

We added the following source materials to the pile of materials to be processed:


  • 1958 - The End of Human Life: an interpretation of Death as the Supreme Form of Prayer
  • 1960 - Problemas teológicos de Latino América
  • 1966 - Financial Aid for Latin America
  • 1969 - Between Jail and Campus: The Chaplain's Halfway House
  • 1969 - The need for counterfoil research
  • 1971 - The Alternative to Schooling; Extended Version
  • 1971 - Ivan Illich Challenges Education
  • 1971 - Look Out Practitioners
  • 1972 - A Convivial Society for Melanesia?
  • 1972 - Gradual change or violent revolution in Latin America?
  • 1972 - The illusion of unlimited health insurance
  • 1972 - Bibliografía Límites; agosto-septiembre de 1972
  • 1972 - Growth: myth and reality


  • 1974 - On Growth: Interview with Ivan Illich


  • 1978 - The Art of Suffering
  • 1968 - Elspeth Chisholm visits Ivan Illich in Cuernavaca
  • 1968 - Elspeth Chisholm interviews Ivan Illich in Cuernavaca
  • 1969 - CBC Tuesday Night - Visit to Cuernavaca